help oneself 意味
- 自分で[自由に]取って食べる[飲む]、困難{こんなん}を切り抜ける
- help 1help n. 助力, 救済; 雇い人, お手伝い. 【動詞+】 I had to accept help from….
- oneself oneself pron. 自分自身; 自分で, 自ら. 【前置詞+】 She's getting above herself.
- help oneself to =
- can't help oneself 自分{じぶん}を抑えられない
- cannot help oneself
- help nobody but oneself 誰[ほか]でもない自分自身{じぶん じしん}を助ける
- help oneself to chair 勝手{かって}にいすに座る
- help oneself to food and drink 好きな物を食べたり飲んだりする
- help oneself to sake 手酌で飲む
- do it oneself without anyone's help 人に頼まないで自分でやる
- help oneself to the money of his company 会社の金を横領する
- help others without thought of oneself 自分{じぶん}のことは後回{あとまわ}しにして人助け{ひとだすけ}をする[他人{たにん}を助ける]
- stand by oneself without help from (人)の援助{えんじょ}なしに自立{じりつ}してやっていく
- prefer to do things oneself rather than ask for help 他人{たにん}に助けを求めるよりも自分{じぶん}で何でもすることを好む
- a help a help 一助 いちじょ 手助け てだすけ
- Verb
- abstain from doing; always used with a negative; "I can''t help myself--I have to smoke"; "She could not help watching the sad spectacle"
Synonyms: help,